business start-up

business start-up


Have you ever thought about opening your own business or turning your hobby into a career?

Perhaps you would also prefer to carry out your day-to-day activities as an independent entrepreneur and no longer work for another boss? Then we will be happy to help you.

Founding involves a few steps that most starters are unaware of at first glance.

How do I overlook the first 6 months, where can I still get help, what about the insurance and so on? All points that we will examine and discuss in detail in our start-up coaching, so that you can still consider whether you should start now or whether a few more preparation steps are necessary.

It is very important to work with people who, based on experience, help with founding a company. Only theoretical knowledge will not help to found a company successfully, so it is very important for us to work with the appropriate professionals.

There is no substitute for experience, so take advantage of it.

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